Telemarketing Gelderland

Are you looking for potential new customers, but don't get around to acquiring them yourself? Then Convins is the partner you are looking for for telemarketing Gelderland. If you are looking for different types of telemarketing for your company in Arnhem, Apeldoorn or Nijmegen we will be happy to help you. Convins is the extension of your organisation. We deploy recruitment and telemarketing Gelderland in various industries. Think of business services, accountancy, construction and engineering and consultancy. We would like to tell you more about all the possibilities with telemarketing Gelderland.

Different branches for telemarketing Gelderland

At Convins we perform various telemarketing services for numerous companies. These companies can be divided into various branches. Telemarketing Gelderland is therefore possible for many different companies. Whether you are located in Ede, Doetinchem or Arnhem, we would like to talk to you to see what is possible.

Before we start telemarketing Gelderland for your company in Arnhem or Apeldoorn, we check at intake whether your service or product fits with telemarketing. We like to work with companies of which we know telemarketing is effective. This is just as advantageous for both parties. Is everyone enthusiastic? Then we draw up objectives so that we know what the expectations are on both sides.

Time for good conversations

<p>Bij Convins voeren we goede gesprekken. Dit gaat niet gecombineerd met een belscript, want een goed gesprek wordt niet gevoerd aan de hand van een papiertje. Goede gesprekken zorgen voor een hogere conversie én leukere conversaties. Om deze leuke gesprekken zo goed mogelijk te laten verlopen, maken we gebruik van productinformatiebladen. Hierop staat de belangrijkste informatie van de klant omschreven. De beller geeft zelf invulling aan het gesprek en kan de informatie van de productinformatiebladen gebruiken om de gesprekskwaliteit hoog te houden, door de juiste informatie over de klant te geven.</p>

Let's get going!

Satisfied customers