Approaching potential customers and getting leads is necessary for many companies, but what is important generally takes effort. There are few organisations that can sit back and watch the new customers flood in. Therefore, be sure to read this blog if you want to start using telemarketing or adjust your current telemarketing strategy.
Where to start
Before you can devise a good telemarketing strategy, you must of course know what your objective is. What do you want to achieve? And how concrete and achievable is that goal? So don't set the goal of generating 'more leads', but of generating a certain number of leads over a certain period of time.
Who will you approach?
Now that we have determined the big 'why' question for the goal and you have answered it, you can look at the 'who' question. Who do you want to reach? In other words, which companies or people should be called?
Go in depth
After determining the target group, it is time to get to know them. What is important to them, and what can you convince them of? In other words, how can you respond to their needs? Get to know the company so that during the first meeting you can show that you are prepared. Also take a good look at the industry they are in and what the trends and developments are there.
Define your own story
You now know what the (potential) lead considers important and you also know what you want to achieve yourself. So now it's a question of pouring this into a good story, because the customer hasn't arrived yet. Be specific and follow your objective.
Keep all appointments
Taking minutes is key during appointments. This way, you know exactly what was discussed and what the plans are. The pitfall is to think that you will remember the most important things, but unfortunately our memory is not infinite. Therefore, make a note of it and follow it up by emailing the most important points.
Help with telemarketing
A telemarketing agency like Convins can help you with the execution of telemarketing. We take it off your hands and guide you through the entire process. We work with a no cure no pay principle, so you only pay if the appointment is successful. Call or email us for more information or to make an appointment with one of our experts.